About the Author

I am Dr. James Schloss. I received my PhD in 2019 from the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST). While there, I studied quantum systems by simulating them with my Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). During that time, my roommate (who will remain unnamed) became a core developer of the Julia language. So I tried it out and was (admittedly) a little lukewarm about the language. Throughout the next few years, the language evolved and Julia slowly became more and more important in my daily life. It started as a Python replacement. Then a C replacement. Eventually, it even became a replacement for CUDA (the interface I was using to do almost all of my research). Since then, I have been working off and on in the Julia Lab at MIT (a very prominent research arm of the Julia programming language), where I have worked on various scientific computing projects such as climate and molecular simulations.

I also run the (relatively) popular youtube channel and twitch stream Leios Labs, where we have been developing a book for uncommon algorithms known as the Arcane Algorithm Archive. Some of the chapters in this book were inspired by that work. I have also worked with Grant Sanderson (3Blue1Brown) on several projects, including the Summer of Math Exposition, where we encouraged thousands of online content creators to make more math content online.

I have always said, "Your research is only as good as your ability to communicate it."

This book is my attempt to provide core elements of my research and the language I typically use to do that research for everyone to read and learn from.

Prominent Reviewers

Any academic work is only as good as the peers who read and critique it. For that reason, I intend to keep a list of "Prominent Reviewers" who don't mind putting their name in this section. This should be a list of academics or core community members who have either been asked to review the work due to their expertise or have contributed significantly in the beta reading phase.